Words can't describe,
but I might as well try.
News anchors jerking my emotions;
a killer, a hero, a death, a saint.
Predicting sunny skies with a
Pathetic hope in their eyes-
Trying to shake off the weight of their own days.
Rojo a verde rojo a verde
a rojo a verde.
Sliding silent por la calle-
Traffic lights cooperating, like,
"Ayúdame... please"
Ohhhh, just clouds (more clouds) rolling in.
And when will we breathe again-
at least,
Breathe air not soaked in last night's rain
-Goddam drowning in clouds.
Ohhhh, just night pulling back- or creeping up?
"I don't know what I am."
To is or not be is?
Clouds on clouds on clouds on
me jodes- car makes another sound
-slick roads and wild eyes in the trees
-God help me
-Oh, please.