And I heard that heaven was in my mind but I've seen all that before- don't wanna go back- don't make me go back.
If heaven is inside me then hell is paradise- let every natural disaster pass through me as if I had no other choice
but to lay in the road while trucks run over my ears and make me hear the sweet melody of their fears
como si mi mente fuera lo mejor and all others were the worst, like it's not so bad in there,
in heaven,
on earth.
But if my heaven is on earth then when do I finally get to leave- is there a heaven after heaven like it's all god could conceive
is more heavens and more heavens and built them higher higher high until they touched the roofed up universe and filled up the night sky
with the wishes and desires of a forgotten group of souls left solo and abandoned and just waiting
just waiting
just waiting
for a new place to call home.
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